Social media generated words

Do you use abbreviations, short cuts and slang while chatting? these days, advancement of technology has helped the social media growth in an alarming speed. The evolution has given birth to many words and phrases which were nonexistent before. Have you ever wondered what these abbreviations stand for? TBH, WTF, LOL, P.S, P.C, IMYSM, ASAP, GN, BFF, RIP, GTG? Well, these are few to mention but there are several such words generated in the recent times. Yes if you are new to face book or any other social app, you will definitely wonder what these words stand for? It took me so long to understand these abbreviations. Every time my friends use these short cuts, I have to either Google it if I am blessed with good internet connectivity or ask them what those stand for. When I was new to face book, I always thought that using those words was very cool as somebody told me that it saves time. However, later I realized that, what is the point of saving time by using abbreviation after all you are wasting whole junk of time chatting, browsing people on face book.
I also tried to maintain coolness by  learning to use those words prior to my realization. I thought, this would bring charm in chatting. Well, even if you want to go with the flow, how long are you going to update it, because every time there are new words/slang coming up.  This has negative impact on our vocabulary and over all on our language.
So, stop maintaining coolness. Refrain from using abbreviations and slang. By doing so, we can enhance our language.


  1. most times I care that I do not use abbreviations much. it's use is actually proportional to the time one spends on highly time consuming sites such Facebook. unless use this kind of abbreviations do not effect your professional and academic works, it can be used I guess. Do write more.

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