Knowing oneself

How often do you sit alone and think about yourself? Have you ever understood yourself perfectly?

I say "No". I have not understood myself. I cannot define myself. Well, I think I have always inclined towards others while defining myself. I have never distinguished my likes and dislikes. I know for sure, I am not peculiar weirdo but I am not what I have been in these years.  I never figured out what really makes me happy. At the same time, I never knew exactly what really pisses me off. When some one asked me what I liked the most? I so lamely said that I like what everybody liked. I just realized that I was so blunt. I was pretentious. I pretended to like what everybody liked. But, I was  not trying to be somebody to impress any one with these happy responses. Now, I know that, I have never enjoyed those things. I did not do what I loved to do.

I realized that, often I try to fit into other's personality not withholding my own-self. However, it is surprising to see that, I was still doing good not being myself. Well, I am happy to see my adaptability. I know I can easily adjust to different environments according to situation's demand. However, more than this, when I reflect more into my life, I was not into that comfort level while trying to fit into other's personality. I was subduing my likes, dislikes, my personality and my whole self .

Now,  with the elapse of time, I realized importance of withholding my own self. Why not I be myself? Why not be bold and beautiful? I need to like my likes and like my dislikes as well. I should be content with who I am. When I say this, I am not not blowing my own trumpet. Well, I am far from being flawless but I see a room for improvement at the other end of the life.

Late realization but worth remembering.
