Celebrating Mother's Day on Facebook

It was finally a weekend and as usual I woke up late. I grabbed a book from side of the bed. I was totally out of touch for a long time. Reading felt unusual. With much patience, I completed a chapter and placed it back. Then as usual, grabbed the phone and opened messenger, no messages. I closed it and opened a Facebook and I was taken aback to see so many post about Mother's Day. Later I learnt that it was Mother's Day according to Hindu calendar. Initially, I just ignored everything because I had seen so many different dates for mother's day, fathers day, friendship day so on. Almost all the people on my friend list have posted a picture of their mother with a long and say beautiful message and of which some were directly copied from the google. I thought people loved their mother so much because my news feed was literally flooding with Mother's Day post. As I scrolled down the news feed,  I made an interesting discovery. The point is, many of their mothers do not use Facebook. Many cannot even read English. Now what is the point of expressing  heart felt love and gratitude when your mother cannot even see it? Their intention must be genuine, but their approach is wrong. It is like staying idle. Instead of investing so much time and effort in posting a picture, captioning it rightly, responding to people's likes and comments, why don't you spare some time and make a call to your mother?  And say how much she meant to you and you will forever be grateful to her? This is the best thing that one could do to their mother.
Further, I have observed a new trend particularly in married individuals among  Lhotshamp community. The married individual not only posts a picture of his/her mother but also their mother in-law's picture in a collage to convey the message that he/she also cares about in-laws. But this what so called as caring just happens in Facebook. Wouldn't this sound so warm if he/she expresses this love to their parents/in-laws in person? I saw many people who wouldn't even talk properly with their in-laws but such heart touching message is written on Facebook. Now say, does it make sense? It might sound offending to those authors but I personally find it meaning less. It is becoming more like a "Show thing". People are losing their genuineness. Feelings have become a public property. I think its time to be more rational and act wisely.
